Social Compliance & QHSE Management in RMG Industry
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Social Compliance & QHSE professionals need proper knowledge, guidelines and management ability for maintaining the standard of the safe working condition, ensuring safety of workforce, managing natural resources and optimizing organization performance. Upgradation of knowledge, skill of new and existing social compliance, administrative and QHSE professional are necessary along with regular update of all social assessment, certification process, and code of conduct implementation. Considering the situation ECDL has come forward to enhance the knowledge of social compliance related issues for the executives, managers, merchandisers, quality personnel and owners of apparel industry by providing training on social compliance and QHSE.
Objectives of the course:
- The participants will obtain updated knowledge of Social Compliance and (Quality Health Safety & Environment) QHSE standards, operations and management.
- Social Compliance QHSE professional, Brands & Buyer representatives, third party auditors will obtain knowledge for being top class performer.
- The participants will be able to face social code of conduct and certification audit.
- The participants will be able to handle their job more effectively.
- The factory owners, merchandisers and buying house business owners can update their costing techniques.
Who should participate in the workshop?
- Anyone wants to about social compliance
- Those who works in RMG sector.
Training outline:
Introduction to Social Compliance & QHSE
- Definition of Social Compliance & QHSE
- Requirements of Social Compliance & QHSE
- Brands’, Third Party, Development Organization/NGO, Workers Federation
- and Apparel Industry’s aspect towards Social Compliance & QHSE
- Components of Code of Conduct (CoC)
Social Compliance & QHSE: Practice Areas
- Management Commitment
- Policy Procedure & Law Requirements
- License & Approvals
- Workers Classification and their Employment Condition
- Working Hours & Overtime
- Leave & Holiday
- Maternity Benefits
- Minimum Wage, Payment & Deduction
- Welfare, Gratuity, Provident Fund
- Disciplinary Action Procedure
- Health & Safety
- Building, Electrical & Fire Safety
- Industrial Relation
- Quality management System
- Environmental Management System
Social Compliance & QHSE Practice: Required Laws & Regulation
- Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 (Amendment 2018)
- Bangladesh Labor Rules 2015
- Fire Prevention & Protection Act 2003
- Environmental Conversation Act 1995
- Environmental Conversation Rules 1997
- Others
Auditing Procedure: Social Code of Conduct, and Certification
- SA 8000, WRAP
- ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001
- Chemical Management System
- Buyers Code of Conduct
Audit Management: Social Code of Conduct, and Certification
- Social Compliance Audit Management
- Certification Audit Management
- Brands & Code of Conduct Audit Management
- ACCORD & ALLIANCE Audit Management
- Certification & Assessment Update
- Manufacturing Unit / Factory’s Preparedness for audit & certification
Sensitivity Issues of Social Compliance & QHSE Management
- Owners Expectation vs. Reality
- Professional’s Expectation vs. Reality
- Ethical Practice vs. Reality
- Necessary Preparedness: Training & Development
Course Information
- Reg. Ends 22 October, 2022
- Start Date 23 October, 2022
- End Date 23 October, 2022
- Duration 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
- Class Schedule 10:00AM To 6:00PM
- Total Hours 8 Hours
- Venue Title TBA