Meditation for Stress Management
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What is stress management?
Stress is a natural part of life, but we let it accumulate because we have not yet found the “off-button”. This state of constant stress takes its toll on our health; on our relationships at home and at work; and interferes with our creativity and productivity.
The ability to maintain a state of relaxed awareness enables higher productivity, greater job and life satisfaction and enhances our ability to communicate.
Our daily lives provide constant opportunities for personal transformation; for learning to be more present, more alive and more aware. We will do a number of experiments, exercises and short meditations you can use to help you remain, relaxed, centered and aware even in demanding situations.
These include:
- Breathe awareness
- Body awareness
- Witnessing
- That -difficult other-
- The blame game
- Dealing with judgment
- Emotional vs factual communication
- Argument vs Dialogue
- Taking the wider view
- Moving beyond the mind
- Gibberish Meditation
“And the immature mind always throws responsibility onto the other. You feel unhappy and think that it is because everybody else is creating hell for you. -The other is hell. – this assertion of Sartre is very immature. If you are mature, the other can also become heaven. The other is whatsoever you are because the other is just a mirror, he reflects you. Maturity means an inner integrity. And this inner integrity comes only when you stop making others responsible, when you stop saying that the other is creating your suffering, when you start realizing that you are the creator of your suffering. This is the first step towards maturity: I am responsible. Whatsoever is happening, it is my doing.”
This workshop aims to show that a natural stress process is the sequence of tension and relaxation, of spending and regaining energy, thus keeping the body-mind system vital and joyful. In a working as well as in a family environment, often this balance is disturbed as people don’t take enough care of themselves and fail to spend the required time for relaxation and re-creation of energy. It will enable how you can face challenges with a greater sense of focused awareness, response-ability, and willingness
- Increasing inner motivation and self-directed decision making ability.
- Greater ability to develop a non-judgmental and open attitude.
- Reduced stress, physical illness, and health related problems.
- Increased productivity.
- Creative response to difficult situations.
- Greater ability to look at the roots of issues rather than hurrying to find solutions.
- Sharpening awareness and sense of direction.
Course Information
- Reg. Ends 10 September, 2020
- Start Date 11 September, 2020
- End Date 11 September, 2020
- Total Hours 2 Hours
- Venue Title Online Live Training