Effective Budget & Budgetary Control
Please fill following information
1. Budget, it’s meaning, and objects of budget, utilities, etc.
- Action Plan
- Comparing The Results
- Providing Guidance (Revenue & Expense growth)
- Forecasting And Decision Making
2. Types of Budget:
(a) Types based on Fund/source of finance:
(i) balanced budget
(ii) surplus budget and
(iii) deficit budget.
(b) Types based on ownership:
(i) Govt. budget
(ii) Business budget
(iii) Personal budget
(c) Types based on longevity:
(i) Revenue budget
(ii) Capital budget, Flexible Budget, Master Budget, Fixed Budget, etc.
3. Comparison among Government budget, Personal budget & Business budget
Principle of “Cut your coat according to cloth” and vice versa
4. Budget and growth analysis, comparison with actual; Threats in preparing budget and how to overcome it?
5. Variance analysis and taking remedial action for negative/adverse variance
6. Guidelines for preparing an effective Business Budget:
(i) Use of statistical facts (Both previous & present)
(ii) Coordination with Management
(iii) Team involvement
(iv) Budget preparation meeting
(v) Informing the team of the management guideline (Income and expenses growth, incentive plan, etc)
7. Why budgeting is so important?
8. Budgetary control: it’s significance, scope, etc.
9. Purposes/objects of Budgetary Control
10. Monitoring of operating results and motivation of personnel to achieve business objectives
11. Budget revision (Quarterly/Half yearly)/Revising budget based on actual performance (as far as practicable) keeping annual target in view
12. Practical case studies (IN DEPTH) of successful budgeting; elasticity in Budgetary control
13. Practical Procedure of preparing an effective budget by using statistical data and it’s controlling measures; reasonableness of budget/estimate under SMART principle.
14. Causes of unsuccessful Budgeting (controllable & uncontrollable situation (political, natural, etc. obvious factors) and remedial actions
15. Q & A Session
Course Information
- Reg. Ends 22 February, 2022
- Start Date 23 February, 2022
- End Date 24 February, 2022
- Class Schedule 07:00 PM TO 09:00 PM
- Total Hours 4 Hours
- Venue Title Online Live Training
- Venue Address www.sudoksho.com/class-room