Bangladesh Labour Law
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![Bangladesh Labour Law 8 Labour Law Training](
Course Outline:
- Definition under Bangladesh labor law 2006
- Establishment, Industry, Gratuity, Contributory Provident Fund (Classification of worker, Employer, outsourcing, working hour, appointment letter and service rule)
- Bangladesh Labor Rule 2015
- Leave and calculation of leave
- Weekly Holiday
- Festival Holiday
- Casual leave
- Sick leave
- Annual leave
- Maternity leave
- Work on leave days
- Salary Deduction
- Common mistakes Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 its amendments in 2018 and Bangladesh Labor Rule 2015
- Termination, Retrenchment, discharge, misconduct, dismissal, resignation process. Termination under section 27 (3) (A)
- common mistakes and Bangladesh Labor Act 2006, its amendments in 2018 and Bangladesh Labor Rule 2015
- Profit Participation, Participation Committee, common issues for the HR personnel after Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 and Bangladesh Labor Rule 2015
- Apprenticeship, Health and Safety, Major changes in Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 and Bangladesh Labor Rule 2015
- Question and Answer
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Course Information
- Reg. Ends 09 June, 2023
- Start Date 10 June, 2023
- End Date 10 June, 2023
- Class Schedule 9:30 AM To 5:30 PM
- Total Hours 8 Hours of Classroom Training
- Venue Title ECDL Classroom
- Venue Address Cemex Shimul Trade Center, Flat: 4/A, Kha 86/1, 87, 87/1, Kuril, Dhaka